Management and obtaining of real estate rights for the construction, operation, maintenance, expansion, protection and in general for the adequate use of: general communication roads, gas transportation pipelines, oil, transmission lines and their auxiliary services.
Topographic survey and preparation of plans that define the affected areas, as well as the BDTs. (Assets other than Earth).
Negotiation of contracts with private or ejidal owners.
Preparation of the appraisals.
Public deed process before a notary public.
Registration before the Public Registry of Property (RPP), the deeds that refer to private property and before the National Agrarian Registry (RAN) the ejidal properties.
Preparation of reports, for the due control of the project.
Processing and obtaining permits for telecommunications and energy.
Management and obtaining of permits for the use of general means of communication.
Elaboration of the plans for the processing of permits for the use of the right of way, considering the requirements of Federal, State, Municipal authorities or State participation companies.
Management of permits before Federal, State, and municipal authorities or before state participation companies for the use of the right of way.
Permit management for transportation projects.
Management and obtaining of permits for transportation.
Management of permits before Federal, State, and municipal authorities or before state participation companies for the use of the right of way.
Search and Acquisition of Real Estate.
Procedures for the purchase and / or rental of real estate, for the installation of gas measurement stations, telecommunications sites, before governmental entities and individuals.
Search and Location of Sites, Testing and Selection of the Site and Acquisition.
Processing of permits for sites (DGAC, Construction License, Land Use, SEDUVI).
Environmental impact studies.
Identification of suitable routes to prevent and mitigate the environmental impact of the corresponding project.
Feasibility studies for telecommunications, energy and transportation projects for the release and / or use of right of way.
Assurance of the viability of the project.